Get Moving


Get Moving program goals:

Want to improve your health and fitness but not sure where to start? Get Moving with Functional Movement gets you moving only using 10-15 minutes of your day so that you feel results in 1 month!

Complete the program by starting from day 1 and continuing daily 10-15 minute workouts through the end of the month, only taking 1 rest day a week. By the end of the month, your body will feel stronger and overall aches and pains will be diminished.

This program has four purchase options and is meant to get you moving and progressing by slowly adding intensity and promoting safe movements that ultimately create an active lifestyle outdoors, with your kids, or your grandkids. I will be here with you if you should have questions or need help. Once purchased, join the Facebook Group to ask questions or for workout accountability help. Start your fitness journey today to find a new love for movement!

  • InSpire Fitness by Kara

*This program can only be accessed online through this website.

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Check out the video below to see Equipment needed for the Get Moving Program:

Here’s what you will learn and get out of the program – 

Learn How to Improve Strength Without Pain through Muscle Engagement & Postural Correction

W1 D1  Foot Strength

W1 D2  Lower Body & Hips

W1 D3  Glute Activation & Spine Flexibility

W1 D4  Hip & Glute Strength

W1 D5  Upper Body & Scapula Movement

W1 D6  Put it Altogether: Full Body Workout


Learn How to Overload the Body Appropriately

W2 D1  As Many REPS as Possible

W2 D2  Time Trial

W2 D3  Upper Body Strength

W2 D4  Lower Body Strength

W2 D5   Core Strength

W2 D6   Ladder Circuit


Learn to Train in all Planes of Motion

W3 D1   Intro to Proprioception

W3 D2   Double up on Stability

W3 D3   Pyramid Challenge

W3 D4   Planes of Motion 1

W3 D5   Mini Band Blast

W3 D6   Planes of Motion 2


Learn to utilize the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Type, & Time) Principle to See Results

W4 D1  Frequency: AM + PM Workout

W4 D2  Intensity: Improve Endurance

W4 D3  Intensity: Improve Strength

W4 D4  Type: Stability & Cardio

W4 D5  Type: Yoga/Isometric Holds

W4 D6  Time: 20 Minute Workout (Double up on Stability + Pyramid Challenge)


Plus a FREE Foam Roll and stretch video!

After purchase, head to The Gym to access your program workout videos.